Does God exist? How mind and body may be related to the cosmos? Dialogues between atheists and theists and science and religion.
Thursday April 18th 2024
WELCOME TO CONTRIBUTE WITH YOUR EXPERIENCES, KNOWLEDGE AND THOUGHTS: If you are interested in the questions related to mind, brain, consciousness,the existence or non-existence of God, the mystery behind the creation of the universe and life, and wonder about the evolution of spiritual man or end of it, you are invited to contribute with your experience, thoughts and knoweldge that may inspire others in their search for the understanding of the deepest issues of our existence. Inspire the visiters by adding your posts, or making comments on the posts submitted by others. The idea is to make this site a place for thinkers across all fields who may like to build dialogues between science and religion, or point out the directions to which they will like our civilization to move. Only thing we expect from you is to respect others` opinions and thoughts and not make comments to deliberately insult and hurt people who may bear different views. Submitted posts will be reviewed by an editor before posting.

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